
Pachucki, C., Pikkemaat, B., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2023). #Oatmilkgate: A study on destination stakeholder triggered online discourses. EUROCHRIE Vienna 2023.

Pachucki, C., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2023). More than a Crisis? Corporate Entrepreneurship and COVID-19 Pandemic in Austrian Tourism – Case Study of a Family-Run Hospitality Business. In T. Aguiar Quintana (Ed.) Entrepreneurial Innovation in Tourism and Hospitality: Global Case Studies. London: Routledge. (Forthcoming book chapter)

Pachucki, C., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2023). El emprendimiento corporativo en empresas turísticas familiares en Austria. In T. Aguiar Quintana, F. Álamo Vera & J. Day (Eds.), 30 casos de éxito en Emprendimiento Corporativo de empresas turísticas en los 5 continentes. Madrid: Sintesis Editorial. (Forthcoming book chapter)

Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2022). Social Media Marketing
Communication of Tourism Destinations before and during COVID-19: An Application of Media Richness Theory. Proceedings of the 51st European Marketing Academy Conference (107273).

Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2022). Is Nothing Like Before? COVID-19-Evoked Changes to Tourism Destination Social Media Communication. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management,

Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2021). No Story without a Storyteller: The Impact of the Storyteller as a Narrative Element in Online Destination Marketing. Journal of Travel Research,

Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2021). Who Is the Better Storyteller? The Impact of Storytellers in Destination Social Media Posts on Sharing of Social Media Content. Proceedings of the 50th European Marketing Academy Conference (94176).

Pachucki, C., Grohs, R., & Scholl-Grissemann, U. (2020). Stories need Storytellers: The Impact of Storyteller as a Narrative Element in Tourism Destination Marketing. Travel and Tourism Association European Conference, Innsbruck 2020.  

Pachucki, C. (2020). Storytelling in Tourism Destinations: A Conceptual Framework of Story Elements and Their Effects on Tourist Response. PhD Workshop at the Travel and Tourism Association European Conference, Innsbruck 2020.  

Keßler, A., Pachucki, C., Stummer, K., Mair, M., & Binder, P. (2015). Types of Organizational Innovativeness and Success in Austrian Hotels. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management,

Fritz, K., & Pachucki, C. (2014). Veränderungsprozesse in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung nachhaltiger Speisepläne. In K. Fritz & D. Wagner (Hrsg.) Forschungsfeld Gastronomie. Grundlagen – Einstellungen – Konsumenten. Wien: Springer Gabler.

Mair, M., & Pachucki, C. (2013). How Innovative is the Austrian Hotel Industry? AIEST Conference, Izmir 2013.